Sankt-Peterburgskii Zavod Metallokonstruktsii i Zhelezobetonnyh Izdelii Kvart AO is a metal construction and iron beton products factory. The company manufactures iron beton products and metal constructions for the needs of electricity and fuel-energy complex. They offer a wide range of products including cable brushes, stands, plates, and foundations for various voltage power supply lines. They use heavy concrete and steel in their products and target the construction industry for the installation of electrical equipment and open distribution devices.
Заводская, 7, 7, 17
Приозерск; Ленинградская область;
Почтовый индекс: 188760
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Кварт АО (Приозерск) отчет .
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