MUP Inzhenernye Seti G.Dolgoprudnogo is a company that operates in the industry of municipal utilities, offering services such as maintenance and repair of water pipeline and sanitation networks, rental services of mobile electric generator installations, washing and disinfecting water pipeline networks, project, construction and repair work of water supply and water detection systems, and transport services. The company provides communal resources such as cold and hot water supply, heat supplies, reception and removal of household and wheat goods. MUP Inzhenernye Seti G.Dolgoprudnogo has implemented a geoinformation system based on the Ingeo program and has a production base with repair workshops and garages containing more than 40 units of automotive transport.
Лихачевский, 11
Долгопрудный; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 141700
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите МУП Инженерные Сети Г.Долгопрудного отчет .
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