Mezhdunarodnyi Center Traditsionnoi i Alternativnoi Meditsiny Api Pod Rukovodstvom I.V. Krivopalova - Moskvina OOO is a company specializing in apitherapy and medicine. They have developed professional cosmetics based on royal jelly, honey, propolis, wax, and pollen. The company offers apitherapeutical treatments for various diseases, including a new direction in apitherapy called clinical apitherapy. They also provide specialized in-patient treatment using apitherapeutical methods and medicaments. Their aim is to make apitherapy the main method of treatment and give it a scientific base. The company targets patients with serious diseases and offers a new approach based on apitoxinotherapy in combination with apikinesitherapy.
Васенко, 4, А, 3
Челябинск; Челябинская область;
Почтовый индекс: 454091
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