Nauchno - Proizvodstvennaya Firma Sibneftekart ZAO specializes in developing and implementing processing centers in the fuel market. They offer management systems for ATC\u0410ZK, automatization and management products for ATS and oil bases, and fuel cards. Their target market includes the oil and fuel industry, with a focus on the Siberian region. They have developed and utilized various technologies such as the SPUSB Controller, CENSTAR TRK Concentrator, and SNC - Communications Server program. Their main business activities include the production of equipment and software for ASC and petroleum bases, as well as the development and implementation of processing centers in the fuel market.
Розы Люксембург, 55, 2
Томск; Томская область;
Почтовый индекс: 634009
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите НПФ Сибнефтекарт АО отчет .
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