Nizhegorodskii Kabelnyi Zavod Electrokabel Nn OOO is a company in the electrical industry that specializes in the production of cables for power supply and electrical installations. They offer a variety of cables for different applications, including stable placement in lighting and power networks, connection of electrical equipment, and placement in aggressive environments. The company focuses on providing cable and conductive products to the industry and claims to have strategic partnerships with energy enterprises, engineering, metallurgy, and construction complexes. They aim to increase productivity in processing copper and wire while improving the quality of their products.
Безводное, Гоголя, 55/1
Нижегородская область; Нижегородская область;
Почтовый индекс: 607675
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Нкз Электрокабель Нн ООО отчет .
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