Firma po Razrabotke i Realizatsii Effektivnyh Novatsii Kuzbass-Niiogr OOO is a scientific organization specializing in industrial safety expertise, state examination of safety declarations for hydrotechnical structures, and non-destructive control of mining and enriching equipment. They also conduct scientific research and design work to improve the efficiency and safety of mining and processing enterprises, as well as hydrotechnical structures in various industries. The company has modern technical equipment and is engaged in comprehensive research to ensure efficient and secure carbon field work, as well as the safe operation of hydrotechnical structures.
Пионерский, 3, 205
Кемерово; Кемеровская область;
Почтовый индекс: 650066
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Новационная Фирма Кузбасс-Нииогр отчет .
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