Novatorneftemash OOO manufactures oil industry equipment, nodes, and parts for various industrial applications. They produce equipment for the representatives of the oil industry and deliver to more than 50 cities in Russia and nearby countries. The company focuses on the development and production of new samples of mining equipment, with a key element of the holding of CSTO responsible for the implementation of products on oil and gas producing enterprises in the Russian Federation and near and far abroad. The equipment is designed to bind the upper ends of oil and gas columns, dissolve and hermetize the intercolumn space, and control the pressure in it, with a focus on reliability and durability due to the use of high-performance steel powers. The company was founded by Viktor Timofeevich Kushin, who has developed innovative low-capacity equipment for the oil industry and received patents for its invention.
Малыгина, 73, 409
Тюмень; Тюменская область;
Почтовый индекс: 625026
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