Nauchno-Tehnicheskii Center Vladipor ZAO specializes in the development and manufacturing of polymer membranes and filtering elements for various industrial applications. They produce a wide range of polymer membranes for laboratory analysis and lab filtering, as well as tubular and roller membrane modules. The company's products are utilized in industries such as microelectronics, biotechnology, food, pharmacology, and medicine. They have developed a variety of membranes based on different polymers, including cellulose acetates and fluoroplastics, for applications such as water purification, concentration of proteins and enzymes, and gas separation. The company is constantly expanding its capabilities in the field of industrial manufacturing of polymer membranes and is involved in international projects and grants for the creation of different types of polymer membranes for liquid and gas mediums.
Большая Нижегородская, 77
Владимир; Владимирская область;
Почтовый индекс: 600016
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