Proizvodstvennoe Obaedinenie Resurs ZAO is a production company that specializes in designing and manufacturing body furniture, including kitchen, closet, wall panels, and interroom doors. The company uses various coatings from traditional spoon and colored coats to stainless steel ceramics. They have received the Red Dot Design Award and are known for their high-quality, ergonomic, and aesthetic kitchen furniture. Proizvodstvennoe Obaedinenie Resurs ZAO targets the premium market and focuses on order manufacturing with a high proportion of manual work. They work with world leaders in the manufacturing of accessories, furniture, and built-in kitchen equipment. The company has a diverse range of products, including furnishings for the living room, dining group, and household equipment. They use materials, packaging, and mechanisms from European brands and have developed a concept of a single living space. Proizvodstvennoe Obaedinenie Resurs ZAO is known for their unique and non-standard products, personally created for each customer.
Россия, 13
Кирово-Чепецк; Кировская область;
Почтовый индекс: 613046
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