Siver OOO is a Belarusian furniture company specializing in furniture made from natural materials. The company offers a range of furniture collections for various segments, including office, living room, bedroom, and children's room. Siver OOO collaborates with the MMC factory to manufacture furniture and exports 93% of its products to large wholesale buyers. The company's collections include Boston, Rauna, Olsa, Focstrote, Helsinki, and Mercury. Siver OOO's furniture is known for its functional, decorative, and versatile designs, suitable for different age groups and living spaces.
Нахабино, Вокзальная, 7, 13
Московская Область; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 143430
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Сивер ООО (Московская Область) отчет .
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