Stroitelnaya Kompaniya Alfa OOO operates in the oil and gas construction industry, specializing in industrial construction and facilities on oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. They offer construction, repair, and maintenance services for oil and gas complex facilities, with a focus on pipeline construction. The company uses modern construction technologies and equipment, with a team of highly qualified professionals. They have successfully implemented projects such as compressor stations and pipeline welding in the Extreme North, known for their use of certified technologies and equipment for welding work.
Улица Ленина, 38, 3-1
Горно-Алтайск; Алтай Республика;
Почтовый индекс: 649000
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Ск Альфа ООО (Горно-Алтайск) отчет .
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