Stroitelnaya Kompaniya Betta OOO is a construction company specializing in the production of high-voltage and low-voltage electrical equipment. It operates in the energy market, offering services in the design of electricity supply systems, manufacturing of electrical equipment, and installation of transformer substations. The company has a diverse production base and a team of professionals, providing solutions for the reconstruction of facilities and replacement of outdated electric equipment. Serving a wide range of enterprises and network companies, Stroitelnaya Kompaniya Betta OOO has a well-developed infrastructure and claims to meet safety and reliability requirements.
Одинцово Город, Улица Союзная, Дом 1 "В", Подъезд 1, Помещение 4
Одинцово; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 143006
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Ск Бетта ООО отчет .
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