Krasny Oktyabr is a company that specializes in the production, repair, and servicing of power sets for helicopters, aircraft accessory gearboxes, gas turbine engines, and turbine starters for aircraft. They also manufacture main and tail rotor shafts, tail shafts for helicopters, and various hydraulic and gas systems. The company's products are used by state aviation, airline companies, aircraft repair plants, and aircraft and helicopter manufacturers in over 80 countries. Krasny Oktyabr's quality management system complies with ISO 9001-2015 standards, and they have a complete production cycle of mechanical engineering production. The company claims to have a global presence.
Улица Политехническая, 13-15
Санкт-Петербург; Санкт-Петербург;
Почтовый индекс: 194100
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