Stand OOO is a manufacturing company specializing in the production of smooth hard PVC pipes for electric conduction, PVC pipes for the furniture industry, plastic wood for flags, substrate profile, and a variety of European and U.S. dusty systems. They also offer PVC cable channels for power piping, fitting and accessories for PVC pipes, and chip-clips for pipes. The company targets the telecommunications and internet industry, as well as the furniture industry and monolithic construction. Stand OOO uses high-quality PVC composition for their products and offers a wide range of accessories for PVC pipes, including clips, muffs, and turns.
Победы, 9А, 1
Обнинск; Калужская область;
Почтовый индекс: 249037
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Станд ООО (Обнинск) отчет .
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