Torgovo-Proizvodstvennoe Predpriyatie Ferrokompleks OOO is a company in the metal industry that specializes in the production and sale of fire-resistant products. They offer a wide range of concrete and metal wheels, sliding spots, nodes for stainless baskets, and chromium sand. The company has developed and implemented over 40 innovative production projects and has a production capacity of up to 10,000 tons of powder wire, 1200 tonnes of vibrated products, 3,200 t of fire-resistant mixtures, and 2,400 ton of start-up mixture per year. They claim to have grown their customer base from 2 to over 20 enterprises in the metal industry.
Успенская, 5, 707
Красногорск; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 143409
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