OAO po Proizvodstvu i Realizatsii Stekloform, Stekloformuyushtih Mashin i Zapasnyh Chastei K Nim Tversteklo-M is a company in the glass forming and shaping industry, specializing in designing and manufacturing shape equipment and spare parts for various types of glass shaping machines. They offer materials and equipment for the production of forming complexes for different methods of glass production. The company collaborates with both large market players and small companies and their main products include NNPB equipment, plungers, and bronze wings. OAO po Proizvodstvu i Realizatsii Stekloform, Stekloformuyushtih Mashin i Zapasnyh Chastei K Nim Tversteklo-M targets both established and new players in the industry.
Реки Лазури, 11
Тверь; Тверская область;
Почтовый индекс: 170100
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Тверьстекло-М ОАО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://tversteklo-m.ru
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