Elf Prefabrik Beton Yapi Elemanlari Insaat A.S. is an enterprise located in Turkiye, with the main office in Ankara. The enterprise operates in the Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing industry. The company was established on November 05, 2015. Elf Prefabrik Beton Yapi Elemanlari Insaat A.S. currently employs 310 (2024) people. In 2022, the company reported a net sales revenue increase of 101.07%. During that time, Elf Prefabrik Beton Yapi Elemanlari Insaat A.S.’s total assets grew by 56.59%. The net profit margin of Elf Prefabrik Beton Yapi Elemanlari Insaat A.S. increased by 1.88% in 2022.
Cankiri Bulvari No:102-2 Cinar Mahallesi Akyurt
Ankara; Central Anatolia;
Contact Details: Purchase the Elf Prefabrik Beton Yapi Elemanlari Insaat A.S. report to view the information.
Website: http://www.elfprefabrik.com
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