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Sudamtex de Venezuela C.A. S.A.C.A. (Venezuela)

Main Activities: Textile Mills
Full name: Sudamtex de Venezuela C.A. S.A.C.A. Profile Updated: January 16, 2019
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Sudamtex de Venezuela, C.A. S.A.C.A is a Venezuelan company that is primarily engaged in manufacturing of textile industry related products, such as (but not limited to polyester fibers, polyamide, different types of fabrics, among others.

Avda. Urdaneta, Ibarras a Pelota, Edif. Karam, Pisos 1 y 2
Distrito Metropolitano de Caracas; Distrito Capital;

Contact Details: Purchase the Sudamtex de Venezuela C.A. S.A.C.A. report to view the information.


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