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Lms Vina Company Limited (Vietnam)

Main Activities: Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and Processing
Secondary Activities: Nonferrous Metal Foundries | Iron and Steel Forging | Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring
Full name: Lms Vina Company Limited Profile Updated: February 21, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2022 Available in: English Download a sample report

LMS VINA COMPANY LIMITED is engaged in manufacturing shaped aluminum; processing aluminum, steel, stainless steel SUS and anodizing, which are considered as spare parts and components for cars, electric cars, as revealed. According to an accountant, about 94%-95% of products are exported to South Korea, China, Hungary, etc. Currently, the subject has two factories. The first one was put into production in Aug 2018. This factory is responsible for extrusion and cutting billet aluminum with one aluminum extrusion system initially. In 2020, the subject invested one aluminum extrusion system, which was worth about USD 3 - 4 million. The second factory is responsible for operating of drilling, cutting, pressing and plating, etc that was put into production in Sep 2019. According to the accountant, in 2020, the subject acquired the production line from DITECH COMPANY LIMITED (This company formerly hired a workshop of the subject and processed products for the subject). Both two factories have operated at full capacity since 2020. In general, the subject is an extremely large company in the industry. Transaction could be proceeded under periodical monitoring.

Land Lot XN3-1E1, XN3-1G, XN3-1F, Dai An Expanded Industrial Park, Lai Cach Town
Hai Duong; Red River Delta; Postal Code: 03000

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
October 16, 2017
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Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency VND. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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